Welcome hardcore gamers! At Pamida they sell Gamecube, Game Boy Advance, PSone, and Playstation 2.
Weird how they don't sell Xbox games. They don't have all the games but they have most of the newest games ever to be
released.....it's not no Wal-Mart or Kmart. They have three cases. One for Nintendo, one for Playstation, and
one for multiple systems.
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Here's the Nintendo side of the cases. |

You can see the grocery behind the case.....These cases were better than the last ones. |
Here's a good view of it. |

The Clearanced GBC games are 20.00 (4-9-03). |
Here's a close up view of the case. |

The GBC Games that were 20.00 on the 9th are now 15.00. They are CyberTiger & Knockout Kings 2000. |
Pokemon Ruby And Sapphire...Are Here! |

Though I don't plan to buy them, they are here for $36.99! Buy Pokemon Snap too for Only $10.00! |
Here is the PSone/Playstation 2 Game Case. |

For Pamida, this is impressive.....It has a good variety of games! |
This is where they store the PSone/PS2 Accessories |

and games. This is the only Pamida I've ever seen that sells Final Fantasy VII. |
Here's the centre of the above video game case. |

Here you can see Resident Evil 2, Grand Turismo 3, and some others. |
Here's the bottom part of the video game case. |

Here you can see some DVDs such as Harry Potter 2, Syphon Filter 2, and Unreal Tournament. |
THE OLD LOOK (September 1999 to December
The cases that graced Pamida for four years are in this picture below.
Before Pamida got new cases in late 2002 they had a case for Playstation games and a case off to the side for other systems,
but Jefferson's didn't have enough room for them, so they got stuck with the "case off to the side" where all the systems
had to fit into one case....But in 2002 they put DVDs in the video game cases, which is improper....But they have their own
case, but some DVDs still grace the "Games" case of the three video game cases. That is annoying! But at Toledo's
they have the trading cards in the Nintendo Case so I'm not complaining :-)!
This is the video game/DVD case. |

It's supposed to be all Video Games, not DVDs. They added them in there so they won't get stolen. |
This is how Game Case looked before 12-02. |

They screwed up by putting the CD players in there. The Video Games are in there now. Looks better. |