THE PAMIDA TOUR IN AUDUBON IS COMPLETE! It shows pretty much every aspect of the store since it's not that big
of a store....Jefferson's is a bit bigger than this store but Atlantic's Pamida is way WAY bigger.
Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy.
Before you take the tour, read the pink text below.
This Pamida store was the first project 2000 Pamida store I've ever seen. I drove
there, without my parents permission, on my first day of work (at Sparky's One Stop) just to go to the Audubon Pamida.
I think it was worth it because I have never even been to Audubon. From Lake City to Audubon to Churdan I drove about an estimated
105 miles. Imagine....I almost drove 50 miles to go to a Pamida haha. Well this time I was with my parents and
I had a camera. It's been more than a year (July 13, 2001) and my parents still don't know:).
Welcome to Audubon Pamida! |

This Pamida was the first project 2000 stores I've been to. It's pretty nice. |
Here are the video game/print cartridge cases. |

Besides the checkouts & the Customer Service Desk this is the VERY first thing u see when u come in. |
This is the East Side of the store. |

Consists of Home Furnishings, Furniture, Housewares, the Clearance area, and the restrooms. |
This is kind of back where the furniture is. |

Here you can see the awful sun reflecting, the apparel, and the front of the store. |
This is the other side of the store (South Side). |

You'll find the clearance aisle, Furniture, Hardware/Automotive, Toys, Seasonal, & Electronics. |
Here's the Home Entertainment Department. |

Its the same as Jefferson's xcept for the movies & music. They dont have them cause they get stolen. |
Facing north from the Sporting Goods/Electronics. |

You can see the Health & Beauty, Pet Supplies, & Books. |
Here's the front of the store facing west. |

Here you can see the Customer Service to the right, Menswear to the left, & the Home Office Dept. |