Hello everyone and welcome to the Toledo Pamida tour! I am proud to say that this Pamida (for a small town) deserves
a 10! The service was the friendliest I've ever seen at a Pamida store!
The manager, Cliff Havens, was a very cool manager at this Pamida store! We got to talking, and he told me about
how Toledo's Pamida was built the same year as Jefferson's and he knew the manager from the Jefferson store. He was
a really cool guy! The store was very well planned. I found the store to have a nice appearance! They had
the department labels (unlike Jefferson's), the aisles were very spacious, and it this was the only old Pamida I've ever seen
that remodeled, making it look like the new Pamida stores! It had four checkouts (Also with a Customer Service desk,
and the checkout lights were still intact...haven't seen them since the Pamida in Osceola back in 2000!)
Anyways, enough of my blabbering, here's the tour. I would like to thank Teresa Green and Mavis Sawhill for making
this trip to the Pamida in Toledo and to Cedar Rapids possible!
This tour is dedicated to Cliff Havens, manager of the Pamida in Toledo.
Welcome to the Toledo Pamida! |

This Pamida is just as good as Atlantic's! |
Here is the sign by the highway. |

Jefferson used to have this sign design before going to the red/yellow Hometown Values sign. |
Heres a shot of the Pamida taken by Teresa Lawler. |

Thank you for your consideration, Ms. Lawler! I didn't pitch the picture lol it's in my album! |
Here is the Home Entertainment Department. |

WOW! This is SO much better than Jefferson's Electronics, but Jefferson has more DVD & VHS Movies. |
Here is the back of the store. |

This part reminds me of the Fort Dodge Kmart because the celing dropped down like the Kmart did. |
This is the south side of the store facing east. |

To the right is like the Grocery and stuff. Home office is clear down at the end. |
This is the south side, oh god I don't know! |

The building is like either southwest or something so I wouldn't know lol....Here are the shoes! |
Here's an old gem of a shopping cart. |

This is the look of the shopping cart from the SIXTIES!!!! Man those looked cool! |
Here's a picture of Allison Whitver buying a Coke. |

At this Pamida, there are four checkouts. Surprisingly, they kept the checkout numbers up! |
Thank You For Shopping Pamida! |

Click on the picture to go back to choosing MORE Pamida, Kmart, & Alco stores to view! |